Friday, December 4, 2015

Gospel-Driven Prayer - Introduction

In this three-part series, we will be looking at the Apostle Paul's letters to the Corinthians. These letters can teach us a lot about what a gospel-driven life – and therefore, what gospel-driven prayer – looks like.

They were a very gifted church. 1 Cor. 1:7, “you are not lacking in any gift….” They were also a strategically located church. Corinth a busy, bustling city. Travelers, merchants, artisans, philosophers, slaves, and others crowded its streets every day.

But, gifted in abilities and opportunities the Corinthian church though they were, they also had a lot of problems. Among the many churches that Paul planted, few received more of his attention than this one.

Paul wrote both Corinthian letters to address certain glaring deficiencies. 1 Corinthians addressed, among other things, division and infighting among the church members. In 2 Corinthians, Paul fought off false teachers who were undermining his authority and trying to assume leadership.

In both letters, Paul discussed the practical implications of the gospel. “If God is who He is, if Christ is Lord and Savior, if the Holy Spirit has regenerated and indwelt usthen how should we live our lives?

Mark Dever summarizes 1 Corinthians in one word: church. It's all about how the gospel should affect the family of believers.

He uses another word to summarize 2 Corinthians: weakness. The gospel overturns the world's notions about power, and teaches us that we are strongest when we are weak and most dependent upon God.

So, let's spend time in these letters, and see how the gospel can transform our thinking, and our prayers.
(Continue to Part 1 of this series.)

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